Έκρηξη σημειώθηκε κοντά στο κτήριο του Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών στο κέντρο της Καμπούλ με τις πρώτες αναφορές να κάνουν λόγο περισσότερα από 20 θύματα.
Οι υπηρεσίες έκτακτης ανάγκης ανταποκρίθηκαν στο περιστατικό και μέχρι στιγμής καμία οργάνωση δεν έχει αναλάβει την ευθύνη για την έκρηξη.
A suicide bomber tried to enter ministry of foreign Affairs in #kabul but the guards identified him. When he was confronted he blew himself near the gate, wounded and killed many civilians. pic.twitter.com/A3MRN6ewQB
— Rahim لغماني (@RahimLaghmani) January 11, 2023
#viralvdoz #attack #
In #Kabul, a terrorist attack near the Foreign Ministry of the Islamic Emirate of #Afghanistan. There are victims and casualties. Developing story.. pic.twitter.com/yQbsecCnsQ— ViralVdoz (@viralvdoz) January 11, 2023
A powerful blast has occurred in front gate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in #Kabul, there are reports, that #Chinese Officials were also present in meeting inside, updates are coming soon.#Afghanistan #Blast
#KabulBlast pic.twitter.com/hcbjiauKPq— Muslimah (@MuslimahAqsa) January 11, 2023
The Afghan Foreign ministry attacked.
Main Gate Balsted off with Explosives in Kabul.
Is it the result of conflict between #Pakistan and #Afghanistan?Pray for #Afghanistan people. #Blast #KabulBlast #Kabul pic.twitter.com/OTBXgdhV5b
— Anveshka Das (@AnveshkaD) January 11, 2023